Wednesday, 11 April 2018

Big box project

I originally planned to make the boxes for this, the 180 cm tall version, out of 3 x 4 inch beams fashioned into frames that would be covered by thin (3mm) plywood. When I presented my plan to Malcolm he suggested I use thin framing (1.5 inch beams) & thick plywood (1.2 cm) instead.

The reason he gave was that the thicker ply would allow me to mitre the edges for a clean finish. When I spoke to Keith, he agreed that this was a superior plan. The materials cost significantly more than they would have for my original plan, Right now, costs are important to me. I can get into debt & I can go without other things I need in order to lay my hands on art materials. But where it really hurts is if I don't have a budget for one project because I have spent on another needlessly.

Today, after some trouble, I got B&Q to deliver the wood to Malcolm's wood shop. The first thing Malcolm said was "It will be better not to do the mitred edges, because it will take too long."  I don't know why Malcolm would change his mind after I bought the materials appropriate to the plan he suggested, but it is clear that the reason is not based on my best interests. 

I insisted that I want to do it right, while he insisted I should do it the sloppy way. He was not happy about my insisting, but then, neither am I. I am frankly tired of the disrespect some teachers show for the work we students do. Decisions often seem to be based on the comfort of the professor & do not motivate students to challenge themselves or to do their best work. I will resist writing a list of such occasions I have experienced since beginning my studies here at Gray's, but this laziness & lack of respect has cost me time, money, & the disappointment of projects that wouldn't have failed otherwise.

Boxes gb05

Moved the boxes from Malcolm's to gb05 yesterday. I photographed them, then I cut them up with Photoshop so that I could try different ...